I saw two tom turkeys trot through my yard this afternoon and I started wondering about shooting them with something besides my camera. I have no income and I need to start exploring living off the fat of the land. I figured I better see what the rules are. So I found the hunting regulations for Georgia, clearly produced for print complete with full page ads. It even makes a page turn noise when you go forward. I got to page 35 and liked to tipped my chair over backwards I recoiled so violently. I had to take a screen shot so you all can be horrified too. As if the clock itself isn't godawful enough they had to put a cherry on top with the Papyrus font headline glowing from behind. (Cursing after the image.)
Your satisfaction is guaranteed! Satisfaction? What would be satisfying about a $150 clock with a brass COLORED pendulum? Launching it with a trebuchet then shooting it with a double barrel shotgun? Which I don't have, and therefore can't kill any turkeys, because alas, the rules say shotguns only for them.
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