Saturday, April 24, 2010


I put a new design in the Teephage online store today. I did it all by myself. It's the Squoze logo on the front and on the back it says

This quote is an adaptation from LA Story. After Sara McDowel and Harris K. Telemacher have a big fight she decides to go back to England he tries to talk her out of it. He follows her around while she's packing and says, "Let's assume that whatever that thing is, that whatever it is that would make you stay has occurred, that it has happened, and that my hand has already gone down your throat and grabbed your heart and squoze it. {Door slam} Owww!" This is the only time I've heard somebody say squoze outside my family. Of course there's no such word. It should be squeezed. But if I can say drive and drove why can't I say squeeze and squoze? Anyway, I like the idea of pretending the product is fresh squeezed. It's squoze.

After Sara slams the door on Harris out he keeps talking to her through a window. "Let me read you from this book of poems. 'Oh pointy bird, oh pointy pointy'" and she closes the window on him. This same poem is used in The Man With Two Brains. Here's the whole thing:

Oh pointy bird, oh pointy pointy
Anoint my head, annointy nointy.

                              -- Steve Martin

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