I have selected a few choice ones that prove you do not need a sarcasm punctuation mark.
Here's one that parrots their exact language. Awesome.
Do you need a logo that screams 'awesome politics coverage'? Enter it in the 'I need a designer to make me a new logo' contest.
For the next week or so, I'll be accepting your proposed paychecks for my next job. You can submit your proposed paychecks to me via paypal, check, or directly deposit it into my checking account. Once I have a good group together, I'll put them all up for a vote, which will inform the final pick. If your paycheck wins, I'll design your logo.
This next comment with link to a design submission violates the instructions to make it square. They should have deformed the Hewlett-Packard logo to make it perfect.
Enbawks McGee
Out of respect for the fantastic opportunit
I'm confident that you too will find this to be a modern, sophistica
I'm starry-eye
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