I never get bored. It's the secret to being a good hermit -- an extremely low entertainment threshold. The adverse side effect is that anything more stimulating than this overloads my brain. Needle goes in the red, clipping, signal to noise ratio goes to hell, can't cope with sensory overload, migraine.
In 2012 I did a Small Year. My intention was to spend as little money as possible and stay home all the time. In January 2012 I bought two Spartan Aircraft aluminum caravans, 31 feet long, 8 feet wide, manufactured in 1949 and 1951.
In the spring of 2013 I completed the conversion of the 1951 Spartan into a permanent lab and laundry room. It is now my knitting and sewing lab.
2016 was my smallest year yet.
2017 was on the medium size of small. I started working on 20 versions of the Royal Game of UR in 2017.
2018 was not as small as 2016 but smaller than 2017. I kept working on Royal Game of UR.
2019 was been slightly less small than 2018 so far. I went to the coast so that expanded my range by two counties. I've got 20 versions of the game of 20 squares ready for 2020. They're all 20% off on my Etsy shop all year.
In 2020 I am launching a video series for the Buck Rivet Report and restarting that blog.
So this is what genius hermits do when they get bored. I see.
I never get bored. It's the secret to being a good hermit -- an extremely low entertainment threshold. The adverse side effect is that anything more stimulating than this overloads my brain. Needle goes in the red, clipping, signal to noise ratio goes to hell, can't cope with sensory overload, migraine.